类型:恐怖,古装,动作 / 地区:美国 / 年份:2014
主演:比安卡·孔帕拉托,玛尔特·雷尼耶,安娜斯塔西亚·哈罗德,Derek Smith,Kuno Sponholz,朝仓亚纪,秦
简介:lila和janek是一对学生情侣,因为争吵,二人走入了即将分手的边缘,而一次聚会后,两人卷入了一场lila和janek是一对学生情侣,因为争吵,二人走入了即将分手的边缘,而一次聚会后,两人卷入了一场谋杀案。During the slavery period in Brazil, a sugar cane farm was the stage for the darkest kinds of horrors. Years later, the place's cruel past is still stained in its walls, even if unnoticed, until a series of strange events starts happening and death returns to the farm. The film is divided in five short horror stories.17岁的莲本是马来西亚一个富家女仆,天真无邪。然而无忧无虑的生活很快便被打了个粉碎,莲被送到了紧挨着新加坡的Bugis街上的一家小酒店做工。在这条住满了人妖的街上,莲从各人的生存打拼中开始慢慢懂得了生活的含义。本片透过一个天真无邪的十六岁女孩的眼睛去看这个光怪陆离悲与欢的地方。她未曾见过世面,纯情且天真,为着生活,只好到一间破落的酒店做下人,给她遇上各式各样的人, 其中不乏美男女.....我就是死了都用不着你管!张宝根恶狠狠的说道。威利在临终的父亲身旁,听着父亲讲述的那些经历虚构他所度过的光辉岁月。在这个过程中,威尔渐渐体会到父亲当时的心情,而父亲终于在儿子的理解和深爱下闭上眼睛。After a four month absence, Sherlock Holmes returns to Baker Street following several attempts on his life. Holmes had been away on an important assignment for the French government - recovering the Mona Lisa that had bee stolen from the Louvre. He was successful in his task and appropriately rewarded by the French but he raised the ire of the crime's perpetrator - Professor Moriarty. On the morning of his return, the Professor visited Holmes in his flat and warned him to cease or he would have no choice but to take extreme measures. With several attempts on his life having already taken place, Holmes and Watson head for Switzerland. Moriarty is a relentless pursuer however and he and Holmes have a fateful encounter at the Reichenbach Falls. Written by garykmcd不过今年就算是冬日,也要让他自己睡了,先要让他习惯不要踢被子,然后再给他烧上炕。应该就差不多了。金刚(许冠杰 饰)成功降服白手袜之后,白手袜之兄黑手袜受黑手党指派继续交易钻石并向金刚复仇,金刚与黑手袜的高级机器人大战数合终于侥幸胜利,却马上又落入了牛牛、悠悠兄妹犯罪团伙的骗局,卷入银行抢劫案成为嫌犯,金刚逃亡路上将拍档光头神探(麦嘉 饰)与何东诗(张艾嘉 饰)的婚礼搅得一塌糊涂。所幸光头神探义字当先合力与金刚对抗牛牛、黑手袜,却不料金刚再次被悠悠戏弄,光头神探也只落得被严妻整治。最佳拍档被牛牛团伙胁迫,不得不出面抢夺钻石,而黑手袜方面再次出动高级机器人应战,早有准备的金刚取出机器人特工队,混战一触即发……她有种错觉,仿佛这不是一场比赛,肖战锐利的眼神,就像真的将她当做猎物一般。详情